Escape Utsushiyo

by cretia studio



「脱出×ホラー×本格シナリオ」で織りなす ”うつしよ” の世界へようこそ。nn脱出の先にあるこの世界と二人の少女の真実を、あなたの手で解き明かそう。

◆ それは、ちょっぴり怖くて不思議な世界の物語――二人の少女が迷い込んだ世界。そこは逃げ場のない紅い世界――この世界は過去? 未来? それとも…?脱出ゲームと本格シナリオが融合した、独特な世界を体験しよう。◆ 行く手を阻む数々の謎と仕掛けプレイヤー自身の手で仕掛けを動かして謎を解く、本格脱出ゲーム。「調べる」「アイテムの使用、組み合わせ」はもちろん、「回転」「移動」で解く仕掛けもあり!手がかりを集め、”ひらめき”と”論理”を駆使して脱出しよう!ヒントもあるので、初心者も安心♪※ Sorry. This game use Japanese language.Ver.1.2.4- Fixed minor issues

Read trusted reviews from application customers

I don't understand the white tiger puzzle and can't figure out how to switch it to English

Ash Gutierrez

The game was really cool and nice but...How do I change the language?please put an English so that people can rate this game 5-stars because of that

Odre Fernandez

Allah gaming

Mz P

とても素晴らしいゲームです。Its a suspenseful horror/yuri game that doesnt leave you stuck because of the hints. The ending is sweet and the game keeps you on your toes, but i do wish the story was longer. Hope to see more like it.

Chi Him Wong

This is fun but shorter than expected


Looks good, but how do I change the language to English?


i dont know how to change the language to english or if i even can change it


すごくよかった! パズルも結構容易いし全体的に短いのにも関わらずストーリーもバッチリ。いい暇潰しだった

Minji Sohn



Love the story! But the puzzle items are missing in some scene so it's hard to notice where to check...

A Google user